New Dark Art

Great to see this live recording emerge!

LUME Kestrel Online

Check out this online large ensemble collaboration by Anton Hunter, featuring my flute!

TONUS – Live at Hundred Years Gallery

Part of the ongoing fundraising efforts for Hundred Years Gallery, this live release of Dirk’s large ensemble!

LIO: We stay apart because we love each other

Great to be a small part of this larger whole:

Vestiges review – – Vestiges review

4.5 stars!

The automated translator says: “Such diversity of approaches makes this proposal for electroacoustic improvisation a richness that distinguishes it from others more parameterized in the Portuguese and international contexts, which is an asset when we verify that even in this area a “mainstream” has been installed.”

Tom Ward / Emil Karlsen – Concrescence

Postcard/download release of this live recording from late 2019 at Hundred Years Gallery: