Upcoming Gigs – Winter/Spring 2019

12th January 7pm – Tom Ward / Charlotte Keeffe @ BRÅK, waterintobeer, Brockley

Playing duo with the great trumpet player Charlotte Keeffe

9th February 7:30pm – Madwort’s Menagerie @ Hundred Years Gallery, Hoxton

My Menagerie sextet celebrates the release of its first recording with a gig at Hundred Years Gallery! Andrew Woolf will be depping on bass clarinet in lieu of Julie Kjær on flute.

18th February 8:30pm – Metamorphic @ Vortex, Dalston

Looking forward to depping for Ollie Dover on bass clarinet with Laura Cole’s great band Metamorphic!

23rd February 7pm – Tom Ward / Nathan Bettany @ BRÅK, waterintobeer, Brockley

Playing duo with Sheffield-based oboeist Nathan Bettany.

14th March 8:30pm – Metamorphic @ Jazz North East, Newcastle

Another gig with Metamorphic, this time in Newcastle.

6th April 7pm – Tom Ward / Ingrid Plum @ BRÅK, waterintobeer, Brockley

Playing duo with Brighton-based improviser,composer,vocalist,electronicist Ingrid Plum.

BRÅK Season Five

Looking forward to another season of BRÅK, with Charlotte Keeffe, Nathan Bettany & Ingrid Plum!

Categorised as BRÅK

Upcoming gigs – Winter 2018

28th November 8.30pm – Tom Ward / Alan Wilkinson @ Flim Flam, Ryan’s N16, Stoke Newington

Last minute addition – playing duo bass clarinets and altos with the legendary Alan Wilkinson.

1-9th December – Cotovelo @ PortaJazz, Portugal

Launching the recording of the Cotovelo project from last year, including a few other gigs in the Porto area.

15th December 7pm – Tom Ward / John Edwards @ BRÅK, waterintobeer, Brockley

CHRISTMAS SPECIAL! I’m delighted/terrified to be playing duo with the legendary bassist John Edwards. Also on the bill, Corey Mwamba & Sam Andreae. Not to be missed!

Tom Ward / Adam Fairhall – Susurrus Reviews

“piano and sax dialogues, ranging from hyperactive tail chasing to the calm layering of pellucid tones” – Daniel Spicer, WIRE Magazine

“accordion slurs and squeaks merge with the bass clarinet’s swooning honks” – Daniel Spicer, WIRE Magazine

“an intensely cohesive duo interaction on this recording, just imagine Konitz and Tristano under the influence of Schoenberg” – Selwyn Harris, Jazzwise