Adam Fairhall / Tom Ward – Ligand

A new release from my duo with Adam Fairhall – this time with Hammond C3! Released by the venerable Raw Tonk Records!

Two live releases

Two new live releases from the archives!

Jazz Mann reviews Susurrus & Madwort’s Menagerie

“These two first releases on his own Madwort label show Tom Ward to be a highly creative musician with an excellent technique on a variety of reed instruments. He’s also a skilled and consistently interesting composer and a highly fluent and intuitive improviser. This is serious music that doesn’t take itself too seriously, always a winning combination in my book, and although it may be a little esoteric for some ears there is still much here on both recordings for the adventurous listener to enjoy.” – Jazz Mann

Tom Ward / Adam Fairhall – Susurrus Reviews

“piano and sax dialogues, ranging from hyperactive tail chasing to the calm layering of pellucid tones” – Daniel Spicer, WIRE Magazine

“accordion slurs and squeaks merge with the bass clarinet’s swooning honks” – Daniel Spicer, WIRE Magazine

“an intensely cohesive duo interaction on this recording, just imagine Konitz and Tristano under the influence of Schoenberg” – Selwyn Harris, Jazzwise