Upcoming Gigs – Winter/Spring 2018

1st-3rd January 2018 7pm – Beats & Pieces Big Band @ Ronnie Scott’s, Soho

Three nights at the legendary Ronnie Scott’s club, playing bari with Ben Cottrell’s Beats & Pieces.

13th January 7pm – Tom Ward / Roland Ramanan @ BRÅK, waterintobeer, Brockley

Our local residency at waterintobeer continues with Roland Ramanan!

14th January 4pm – Dirk Serries Large Ensemble @ Hundred Years Gallery, Hoxton

Should be an interesting gig playing some of Dirk Serries’ graphic scores with a large ensemble of great improvisers from around the Raw Tonk records scene.

17th January 8pm – Overground Collective @ The Vortex, Dalston

Paulo Duarte’s amazing big band returns to the Vortex!!!

19th-29th January – Beats & Pieces Big Band @ UK Tour

Taking in Derby Jazz, Southampton, Jazz at the Lescar (Sheffield), More Music (Morecambe) & some private events at RNCM.

17th February 7pm – Tom Ward / Olie Brice @ BRÅK, waterintobeer, Brockley

Playing with the fantastic bassist Olie Brice.

17th March 7pm – Tom Ward / John Macedo @ BRÅK, waterintobeer, Brockley

Duo with the John Macedo and his electronics!

BRÅK Season 2

After a successful first season of BRÅK, we’re happy to announce the second season. I’ll be playing with the following lovely musicians:

  • 13th Jan – Roland Ramanan
  • 17th Feb – Olie Brice
  • 17th March – John Macedo
Categorised as BRÅK

BRÅK Dec 2017

Categorised as BRÅK

Favourite Animals tour & album

Final tour of the year before collapsing into Christmas – Cath Robert‘s Favourite Animals! This was an absolute cracker of a trip, with really interesting, deep music that a fantastic group of improvisers that was able to explore, develop & reorganise the music throughout the tour. As well as some killer CR riffs.

The Jazz Mann said “An absorbing and intriguing evening of uncompromising music making at the interface where the composed and the spontaneous conjoin to rewarding effect.”

The tour was in support of the album, recorded this summer, that has just come out on Luminous. Check it out here: