Wicked night!!!

Categorised as BRÅK

BRÅK @ waterintobeer

A new series of gigs in Brockley’s favourite DIY homebrew beer shop! Co-organised by Cath Roberts, Colin Webster and myself, each evening will feature three duos with each of us choosing a different partner each time. I’ve chosen a first outing playing with the venerable Corey Mwamba, and first duos with Alex Bonney and Alice Eldridge, both of whom have played in my Menagerie sextet. Looking forward to the music, and also the excellent beer…!

Upcoming Gigs Autumn / Winter 2017

9th September 6:30pm – Tom Ward / Corey Mwamba @ BRÅK, waterintobeer, Brockley

The first of a set of three gigs in Brockley’s favourite DIY homebrew beer shop waterintobeer! This time, a first meeting playing together for myself & Corey Mwamba.

14th September – Kepler Orbit @ Plink Plonk, Norwich

The final gig of the 2017 Kepler Orbit run of gigs, back at the amazing Plink Plonk.

16th September 12:45pm – Madwort Saxophone Quartet @ Lancaster Jazz Festival, The Hall, Lancaster

Very pleased to be returning to Lancaster Jazz Festival after such a great time with Cath Robert’s project at the 2016 festival. The sax quartet are playing in The Hall in Lancaster.

28th October 6:30pm – Tom Ward / Alex Bonney @ BRÅK, waterintobeer, Brockley

At the beer shop with cornetist Alex Bonney.

4th November – Ben Owen @ IKLECTIK, Waterloo

More details tbc.

6th-12th November – Guimaraes Jazz Festival

More details tbc.

16th November – Madwort Sax Quartet @ efpi festival, Wonder Inn, Manchester

The sax quartet will be playing in Manchester alongside lots of lovely label-mates including Adam Fairhall, Beats & Pieces Big Band, Tullis Rennie, and more…

17th November – Beats & Pieces Big Band @ Rich Mix, London Jazz Festival

Beats & Pieces hit London on the way through into Europe!

18th-24th November – Beats & Pieces Big Band @ EU tour

Taking in Pappelgarten, Unterfahrt, Poznan, Bozar, Bimhuis and maybe more…

25th November – Beats & Pieces Big Band @ Cambridge

One last gig in Cambridge before we get home!

16th December 6:30pm – Tom Ward / Alice Eldridge @ BRÅK, waterintobeer, Brockley

At the beer shop with cellist Alice Eldridge.

LUME Festival 2017

Very proud to have been part of an amazing two days of music in the form of LUME Festival 2017!

Categorised as Ma/ti/om

Ma/ti/om Norway May 2017

Non-figurative Musikk made this video of our set, also set to be released on tape at a later date.

They have amazing badge skills:

And skies:

Categorised as Ma/ti/om

Madwort Saxophone Quartet – Live at Hundred Years Gallery

Now on general release! Get it at your local good record shop, or check out bandcamp and I’ll post it to you!

Madwort Saxophone Quartet – Live at Hundred Years Gallery Reviews

Here’s a selection of nice things that people have said about the album:

John Fordham, The Guardian: “cutting-edge contemporary music, but it’s unexpectedly engaging emotionally, and deeply rooted in imaginative composition.”

Stewart Smith, The WIRE: “a distinctive response to the knotty compositional language of Coleman and Berne, combining post-bop licks with tight contrapuntal arrangements.”

Cellars and Lofts: “it’s an orgy of dogged machinery that mimics and demands the human body.”

Sandy Brown Jazz: “a most interesting and satisfying album”

Dalston Sound: “There’s a fine balance to the raw, puckish vitality of each individual performance and the combined quartet’s precision of execution. The musicians evidently know each other well, and they anticipate, shadow and trace each other’s moves with beguiling immediacy.”

Marlbank: “stimulating small group work”

LondonJazzNews: “I strongly urge you to get out and see the band live”

Madwort Saxophone Quartet – 2017 Tour round-up