Madwort Saxophone Quartet – Live at Hundred Years Gallery

Super-excited to announce pre-orders are now open for the Madwort Saxophone Quartet’s debut album on Efpi records! Check it out on bandcamp:

Kit Poulson: Mutter @ Chelsea Space

Great collab last night with saxes, bass and electronics at Chelsea Space for the launch of Kit Poulson’s show.

Upcoming Gigs Spring 2017

12th January – JOT trio @ Noise Upstairs, Fuel Cafe Bar, Manchester

New improv trio with Otto Willburg & Johnny Hunter.

27th January – Kepler Orbit @ Club Integral, The Others, Stoke Newington

Another new improv trio, this time with Martin Pyne & Ed Riches.

9th February – Adam Fairhall/Tom Ward duo, Vortex, Dalston

Playing alongside Cath Roberts/Seth Bennett duo and Adam Fairhall solo, this will be a great night of improvisation back at the Vortex.

Madwort Saxophone Quartet Tour

To support the release of Live at Hundred Years Gallery on Efpi records, we’re doing some gigs around the UK, supported by Arts Council England!

  • 12th February – Jazz North East / Splinter, Bridge Hotel, Newcastle
  • 1st March – Plink Plonk, York Tavern, Norwich
  • 2nd March – Blessington Carriage, Derby
  • 5th March – IKLECTIK, London
  • 6th March – The Wonder Inn, Manchester

14th February – Kepler Orbit @ Sonic Imperfections, New Cross

South London’s premier night for new music! And close enough that I can walk to the gig! Woohoo!

Ma/ti/om Tour

  • 21 March @ Fizzle, Birmingham (Ti/om)
  • 25 March @ 5 Years of Raw Tonk, London
  • 26 March @ 5 Years of Raw Tonk, Manchester
  • 27 March @ Plink Plonk, Norwich
  • 29 March @ Safehouse, Brighton
  • 20 May @ Non Figurative Musikk, Tønsberg, Norway

Upcoming gigs Autumn/Winter 2016

September 17th – Cath Roberts Large Ensemble @ Lancaster Jazz Festival, The Round, The Dukes, Lancaster

Very excited to be playing as part of a great ten-piece ensemble, playing new music written by Cath as Artist In Residence at Lancaster Jazz Festival!

September 28th – Ti/om @ IKLECTIK Art Lab, Waterloo

Another outing for the duo with Tim Fairhall, supporting Sloth Racket‘s first album tour.

October 23rd, 5pm – Madwort’s Menagerie @ Baby People Studios, Derby

The incredible Corey Mwamba’s Out Front project is hosting an amazing week of music, very privileged to be playing as part of that with my strings & winds sextet.

November 14th – LUMEkestra @ IKLECTIK Art Lab, Waterloo

This new ultra-large ensemble collective collaboration takes off at IKLECTIK. Sharing the bill with Ripsaw Catfish & Entropi, should be a classic LUME night.

November 13th – Overground Collective @ The Vortex, London (EFG London Jazz Festival)

Paulo’s oversized big band gets another outing, back at the Vortex. This will be mega…