Upcoming gigs Winter 2015 / spring 2016

A couple of gigs that got missed:

December 17th – LUME: The Hat Speaks @ Hundred Years Gallery, Hoxton

The return of the hat jam, where improvisers submit to the will of a die and a hat full of names!

Sunday January 10th, 4pm – LJO @ the Vortex, Dalston

An enjoyable sunday afternoon big band gig depping on bari sax & bass clarinet & getting properly stuck into the LJO’s charts.

And some that are still to come:

Sunday February 7th 2016, 9pm – Overground Collective @ Jazz at the Salisbury, Green Lanes

Paulo Duarte’s big band roars in the Salisbury Pub on Green Lanes, with special guests Dave O’Brien & Jason Simpson aka the Quadraceratops rhythm section!

Sunday March 6th 2016, 8pm – Tom Ward / Adam Fairhall / Olie Brice / Andrew Lisle @ LUME at the Vortex, Dalston

A brand new collaborative quartet featuring myself alongside master improvisers Adam Fairhall (piano), Olie Brice (double bass) and Andrew Lisle (drums).

Sunday March 13th, 4pm – LJO @ the Vortex, Dalston

Back at the Vortex again with the LJO!

March 23rd-30th 2016 – Beats & Pieces Big Band @ Germany

I’m depping again on baritone sax with Beats & Pieces for their trip to Germany, Austria and possibly some other surrounding countries. Hopefully I will be able to renew my passport before I have to catch the ferry…

April 16th – Madwort Sax Quartet live album recording @ Hundred Years Gallery, Hoxton

We’re recording the first MSQ album at this very hip basement venue in Hoxton, presented by LUME.

April 23rd – Yazz Ahmed’s Family Hafla @ Bournemouth Jazz Festival

I’ll be depping on bass clarinet playing some of Yazz’s lovely Arabic-influenced music. And maybe we’ll see the sea…! More details at Bournemouth Jazz Festival‘s website.

Madwort’s Menagerie @ Barbican, EFG London Jazz Festival

LUME at the Barbican freestage for the London Jazz Festival was a brilliant day! Our set went well, and looked like this:

And here’s Adam Spiers holding Gina Southgate’s painting of us:


Philip Clouts @ Birmingham Symphony Hall & #4Jazz Festival Coventry

Had a nice time playing with the Philip Clouts Quartet at the Birmingham Symphony Hall:

And later in the month #4Jazz festival in Coventry was good:

Categorised as Depping

Madwort Saxophone Quartet @ MJF 2015 (updated)

Two bits of news about the upcoming Madwort Saxophone Quartet gig at Manchester Jazz Festival…

Firstly, it’s apparently sold out, so if you don’t already have a ticket, you’re too late!

Secondly, in very sad news, Chris Williams has fractured a bone in his hand in a freak accident, so the amazing Dee Byrne will be standing in for him on alto saxophone.



We had a great time (medical emergencies aside), here are some photos from the day taken by David McLenachan:

MSQ-at-MJF-2015-1-web MSQ-at-MJF-2015-2-web

Also, some vines from MJF!!

LUME was two

…was great! The dice & hat randomly selected some really nice groups, and I particularly enjoyed playing duo with Joe Wright:

lume is two - tom and joe

New Albums! Saxoctopus! AKW! LUME!

The forthcoming Saxoctopus album is now available to pre-order! Check it out on bandcamp here:

And in fortuitous style, Live at LUME is also released today, which features a track from AKW (the trio of myself with no-input mixer artist Richard Knight & saxophonist Sam Andreae):