Vestiges review

Nice write-up, alongside a Stoney Lane trio.

“a collection of split tones, slurs and cries from Ward’s reeds keep the narratives barbed as well as brimming with ideas”

Imaginary Junction reviews!

“On Imaginary Junction, this quartet has managed to express itself in a way that stimulates both the conscious and subconscious minds. The result is an unusual and intriguing recording” s

“the quartet really convinces with free music in which experiment, subtlety and ingenuity are the most important factors” –

New Dark Art

Great to see this live recording emerge!

LIO – Traces of Bicarbonate

I’m here as part of the LIO

Categorised as LIO

Hundred Years Gallery compilation

Very happy to contribute a track for the next Hundred Years Gallery support compilation! This is the recording of my first ever completely improvised solo set…!

Categorised as Solo

Two live releases

Two new live releases from the archives!

LUME Kestrel Online

Check out this online large ensemble collaboration by Anton Hunter, featuring my flute!