Madwort’s Menagerie – Bird is the Worm Best of 2019

“…a curious beauty, where melodies have the ephemeral quality of dreams and harmonies like their lingering aftereffect upon waking, slowly and greeted by soft daylight, and the motion of the music is fitful and anxious, as if children unable to sit still in church pews during a morning service.”

Chuffed to see this record on Bird is the Worm’s best of 2019 list!

Categorised as Menagerie

Ti/om on the Hello Goodbye Show!

Great fun playing live on ResonanceFM for the Hello Goodbye Show with Ti/om, as part of LUME’s Winter Solstice!! Listen again here:

Categorised as LUME, Ti/om

Duos at HYG

Tom Ward / Emil Karlsen

This will be the second outing for the woodwind & percussion duo of Tom Ward & Emil Karlsen, having previously performed together at one of the UK’s leading innovative-music-in-a-beer-shop nights BRÅK. Tom is a multi-instrumentalist from Yorkshire, involved in many projects and collaborations across Europe. Emil, originally from Norway, is currently based in Leeds and is establishing himself and his label noumenon as a new, original voice in improvised music.

Cath Roberts / Dee Byrne

Cath Roberts (baritone saxophone) and Dee Byrne (alto saxophone) have been working together on many different music projects under the name of LUME since 2013. They recently started playing duo saxophone improvisations, extending and deepening their musical relationship. Individually and collectively they have released music on many leading labels including their own Luminous, as well as Raw Tonk, efpi, Whirlwind, and more.


Was a real joy & privilege to play with LIO!

Categorised as LIO