Large ensembles!

Coming soon! Two large ensemble albums on which I play bass clarinet! Alongside lots of beautiful musicians.

Overground Collective on Babel Label

Ensemble Entropy on Discus

Orchestra Entropy - Rituals cover image

Here I am having some trio larks with Mark Sanders & Sarah Gail Brand:

Jazz Mann reviews Susurrus & Madwort’s Menagerie

“These two first releases on his own Madwort label show Tom Ward to be a highly creative musician with an excellent technique on a variety of reed instruments. He’s also a skilled and consistently interesting composer and a highly fluent and intuitive improviser. This is serious music that doesn’t take itself too seriously, always a winning combination in my book, and although it may be a little esoteric for some ears there is still much here on both recordings for the adventurous listener to enjoy.” – Jazz Mann

Laura Cole’s Metamorphic live

This was so nice – great music & lovely people.

Reviewed by Paul Bream for Jazzwise online:

“The three horn section of John Martin (tenor), Chris Williams (alto) and Tom Ward (bass clarinet) were tight and punchy in scored ensemble passages, and unfailingly imaginative when seizing their improvisational opportunities”

“as much a community as a band”